Check the Health of a Group LTD plan with a Gap Analysis

A simple "gap analysis" of an Employer's Group LTD plan, can help identify coverage gaps, and minimize the financial burden a disabled employee might experience.

Imagine the emotion and distress a disabled employee experiences, when he/she expects to receive 60% income replacement from the employer’s Group LTD plan - but receives 30% of pay or lessAnd consider the impact to employee moral witnessing their co-worker dealing with the disability, and the significant financial dilemma.

Employer’s Group LTD plans provide great “basic” protection, but inherently have plan limits and shortfalls which are often overlooked.  A gap analysis can identify the Group LTD plan shortfalls and determine if a Supplemental Income Protection plan can help address the shortfalls before it’s too late.


The Employee Benefits “New Year’s Resolution”:  HR Benefit Priorities


Happy 1st Birthday!!!